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Burgundy Line

Cirò Bianco

Type: White
Classification: Guaranteed Quality
Vine: White Greco.
Production area: Calabria, east centre in the province of Crotone,
in Cirò Marina “Timpa Bianca” resort.
Soil: white clay
Altimetry: from 50 to 100 metres above sea level.
Plant breeding system: espalier with a density of understocks of 5600
plants per hectare.
Climate: Mediterranean, with mild winters and warm
and dry summers
Grape harvest: manual, end of September
Yield per hectare of grapes: 80-90 quintals
Vinification: destalking pressing, soft pressing, yield in must flower 60% on the grapes, followed by a fermentation at a controlled temperature.
Ripening: in stainless steel.
Refining: one month in bottles at a controlled temperature
Colour: straw yellow with soft greenish shades
Scent: fruity and perfumed, delicate, floral with scents
referable to the Passionflower.
Flavour: soft, fresh, sprightly, pleasantly harmonic
Alcoholic degree: 12,5% vol.
Gastronomic coupling: it goes well with hors d’oeuvres and dishes
based on fish.
Service temperature: 8-10 °C


Riso, patate e cozze

Ingredients for 4 people – 1 kg of mussels preferably from the Adriatic Sea – 400g of rice – 5 or 6 medium size potatoes – 3 medium size onions – 50g grated pecorino cheese – 1 clove of garlic – 1 sprig of parsely – celery – APLUVIA Cooking – Organic -Green Line extra … Continue reading Riso, patate e cozze


Spaghetti all’arrabbiata

Ingredients for 4 people – 320g of APLUVIA Cooking – Long pasta -Golden Line spaghetti – 700g of APLUVIA Cooking – Red Line tomato passata – 2 chilli peppers cut into small pieces – 3 cloves of garlic – APLUVIA Cooking – 100% Italian- Green Line extra virgin olive oil – pepper and a pinch … Continue reading Spaghetti all’arrabbiata